罗婷,英语教师,本科毕业于四川师范大学英语专业,青海民族大学外国语言学及应用语言学专业硕士研究生,英语专业8级。 Malaysia University语言学院交流生。曾任IDP成都办公室留学顾问及翻译,青海民族大学本科外聘英语教师。具有丰富的中学英语教学及班主任工作经验。
Ashlee duated from Sichuan Normal University for the bachelor degree,Qinghai University of Nationalities for the master degree, majoring in foreign linguistics and applied linguistics. She got the TEM8 certificate and studied aboard as an exchange student in Linguistics College of Malaysia University, and then served as a counselor and translator in IDP office Chengdu for 2 years, a part-time English teacher in Qinghai University of Nationalities for 3 years. She has a great deal of experience in middle school English education and class master’s work.
教学感言:“对学生最大的尊重,应该是在课堂上给他惊喜;对学生最大的轻视,就是在课堂上你表现平庸。” 所谓师生之情,教师给予学生最深情地付出,其实就是那些理所当然的事。了解学生,从学生的需求出发备课,丰富课堂的内容、规范教学方式、对于学科前沿研究的了解,进行跨学科的研习,以及追求自我的卓越。