四川省成都市第四十九中学校创办于1977年,学校地处成都市北改工程中心区域,东临成都理工大学,西毗电子科大。学校环境幽雅,绿树成荫,鸟语花香。现有高、初中教学班47个,学生近2358人。教师180人,其中特级教师2人,全国和省市优秀教师,省、市、区学科带头人,省市优秀德育工作者50余人。学校现是成都市示范性普通高中,成都市科技教育示范学校,成都市义务教育阶段课程改革先进集体,成都市依法治校示范校,成都市体育传统项目学校,四川省校风示范学校,四川省绿色学校,四川省现代教育技术示范学校,四川省阳光体育示范学校,国家科研兴校先进单位,全国青少年普法教育先进单位。 学校坚持“求真求实,至善至美”的办学理念,秉承“以生为本,为学生终身发展奠基”的宗旨,以“创建新兴品牌高中”为办学目标。近年来,学校不断借力发展,先后和成都树德中学,北大附中等名校加大合作力度,共享优质教育资源,助推学校质量提升。开展内容丰富、形式多样的德育活动,积极打造绿色教育品牌,让学生学会责任,学会感恩,遵守公德,注重礼仪,培养有中国灵魂、世界眼光的新人。 学校有一支师德高尚、教艺精湛、观念新颖、关爱学生、乐于奉献、富有朝气和活力的教师队伍。在课堂教学中,教师教学手段现代化,教学方式人性化,努力追求活力课堂和高效课堂。科学的教育方式,独特的育人理念,莘莘学子在这里得到了优质教育,全面发展。 学校教学质量稳步提升,连续10年得到教育主管部门的表彰奖励。办学30多年来,学校为高一级学校输送了大批优秀生源,更为地方经济建设和社会发展培养了有生力量。全国著名歌唱家李丹阳、国家棒球队主力队员卢凌、四川知名作家林文洵、成都市“十佳青年民警”刘忠等英才就从这里起航。 地址:四川省成都市建设北路三段56号附3号 网址:https://www.cd49.com 联系电话:028-84125780 A Brief Introduction to No.49 Middle School of Chengdu Founded in 1977, No.49 Middle School of Chengdu boasts a core area of Chengdu’s Northern Reconstruction. The school features quiet and beautiful surroundings with flowers and trees around and birds singing in the sky. The current number of teaching and administrative staff reaches 165, among whom there are 2 special-grades and more than 50 qualified teachers with honorary titles at different levels. Now the school has won at least 10 honorary titles such as “Chengdu Model High School”, “Chengdu Model High School for Management by Law”, “Chengdu Advanced Unit for Nine-year Compulsory Education”, “Chengdu Traditional Physical Education High School”, “Provincial Model School of Sichuan”, “Green School of Sichuan”, “Model School for Modern Education Technology of Sichuan”, “Advanced Unit for Teaching Research” and “Advanced Unit for Popularizing Law for Youths”. The school has always been insisting on the management concept of “Seeking Truth and Practicality, Being Good and Perfect”, carrying out the mission of ‘being students-oriented and cultivating all-round qualified persons”. In recent years, the school has joined hands frequently with some famous schools in China namely Chengdu Shude High School and The Affiliated High School of Peking University to share high-quality education resources and promote the improvement of the school’s teaching and learning. The school has designed many moral education courses in which they have learned to be responsible, be grateful, be a rules-keeper and be good-mannered on the basis of educating them on how to be. The establishment of Green School enables our students to be global-minded with Chinese souls. So far, a teachers’ team with noble morality and high professi-onal quality has come into being. They are all caring and devoted teachers full of vitality. In class, they aim at making their class liv-ely and efficient by means of advanced teaching methods and teac-hing students in accordance with their aptitude is a must in teachin-g practice. The students are trained to be more excellent and all-rounded thanks to the scientific educative approaches and unique ideas of up-bringing. For 10 yours on end, the school has been praised by the educ-ative authority in charge for sustainable and stable development in teaching field. Since its opening 30 years ago, our school has trans-mitted large qualities of outstanding graduates to higher-education u-niversities and contributed a lot to the local economic construction and social development. Many promising young people such as Ch-ina’s famous singer Li Danyang, the leading baseball player Lu Li-ng, much-loved Sichuan novelist Lin Wenxun and the Top Ten Re-specta ble Police Liu Zhou have set sail from here to live their dre-ams. Our school will continue exploring all possibilities of leading e-very student here to becoming an excellent student with great ambi-tions, solid foundation and overall development while concentration on promoting high-quality education. Address: No. 3 three sections of 56 Construction Road, Chengdu Sichuan Of China Website: https://www.cd49.com Contact phone: 028-84125780 |