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来源:新浪教育  作者:网站编辑  浏览量:2401   发布时间:2016-09-26


    1. The phrase vol de mort, in French, can be loosely translated as flight of death, in reference to Voldemorts quest for immortality.HSE四川教育在线

  短语“vol de mort”(“伏地魔”英文为“Voldemort”)在法语中可以大致译为“死神之战”,暗指伏地魔对于长生不死的追求。HSE四川教育在线

  2. Professor McGonagall was named after Minerva, Roman goddess of wisdom.HSE四川教育在线

  麦格教授(Minerva McGonagall)名为Minerva,是罗马神话中的智慧女神。HSE四川教育在线

  3. And Sybill Professor Trelawneys first name is derived from the Greek name Sibylla, meaning prophetess.HSE四川教育在线


  4. In Greek mythology, Narcissus (like Narcissa Malfoy) was a man known for his beauty, who died after spending too much time looking at his own reflection.HSE四川教育在线

  在希腊神话中,Narcissus(很像马尔福妈妈的名字Narcissa Malfoy)是一位美男子,但他把太多时间用于顾影自怜,最终抑郁而死。HSE四川教育在线

  5. Filch is an old English word meaning to steal something, usually of small value.HSE四川教育在线


  6. And Remussurname, Lupin, comes from the Latin lupinus, meaning of a wolf.HSE四川教育在线


  7. Sirius is named after the brightest star in the sky which is also known as the Dog Star.HSE四川教育在线


  8. Fred and George Weasley were born on 1 April otherwise known as April FoolsDay.HSE四川教育在线


  9. Diagon Alley is a play on the word diagonally, while Knockturn Alley its Dark counterpart is a play on the word Nocturnally.HSE四川教育在线

  对角巷(Diagon Alley)是在“diagonally(对角线地)”这个词上玩了一点文字游戏,而与之相对的翻倒巷(Knockturn Alley)则是从“Nocturnally(夜间活动地)”一词而来。HSE四川教育在线

  10. The name of the wizarding school Durmstrang is derived from the German literary movement Sturm und Drang, which literally translates to storm and stress.HSE四川教育在线

  德姆斯特朗魔法学校的名字(Durmstrang)来自德国文学运动“Sturm und Drang(狂飙突进运动)”,字面意思是“风暴与压力”。HSE四川教育在线

  11. When using the visitorsentrance to the Ministry of Magic, you step into a disused telephone box and dial 62442. These numbers, on a telephone keypad, correspond to the letters M-A-G-I-C.HSE四川教育在线


  12. Griffon dOr (pronounced the same way as Gryffindor) is French for golden griffin. The door to Dumbledores office holds a golden knocker in the shape of a griffin.HSE四川教育在线

  Griffon dOr(和格兰芬多学院Gryffindor发音相同)在法语中是“金色的狮身鹫面兽”的意思。邓布利多院长(Dumbledore)办公室大门上就有一个金色的门环,是狮身鹫面兽的形状。HSE四川教育在线

  13. And Slytherin could be a play on the words sly therein. Slyness is one of the distinguishing qualities of members of Slytherin house.HSE四川教育在线

    Slytherin(斯莱特林学院)一词可能是“sly therein(狡猾在其中)"的变体,狡猾是斯莱特林学院成员的一个突出特点。HSE四川教育在线

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